Board Meeting Information

The regular Board meetings occur every 3rd Wednesday of each month at the District office at 6:00pm. If there are changes in dates and times you will see revisions on those individual dates. The regularly scheduled Board meeting dates for 2025 are:


  • January 15
  • February 19
  • March 19
  • April 16
  • May 21
  • June 18
  • July 16
  • August 20
  • September 17
  • October 15
  • November 19
  • December 17


Meeting Minutes & Agendas

Meet our Board Members

Walter Partridge

Walter Partridge


Walter Partridge and his wife Stephanie have lived in the Pinery for 28 years. They have 6 children, 12 grandchildren, and 8 great-grandchildren. Walt operates Partridge Auction Services from his office in Parker. Before becoming a professional auctioneer, Walt worked in industrial explosives for over 30 years.

He started his explosives career as a sales representative for DuPont in Alaska and ended his career as President of Explosive Technologies International, Export Division. During his explosives career, he traveled to many mining and construction operations throughout the world. He and his family lived in New Zealand, Australia, Alaska, Delaware, Washington State, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, and Colorado.

Walt has had several interesting experiences traveling overseas. For example, on 9/11 he was at a remote site in the Sierra Desert and saw the towers come down on an Arabian speaking station watching with several members of the Muslim community. Several days passed before he was able to get back to the United States. Before becoming a professional auctioneer, Walt conducted benefit auctions in each area he lived and continues to do so.

He is certified by the National Auctioneers Association as a Benefit Auction Specialist. Walt joined the Colorado Auctioneers Association and the National Auctioneers Association in 1998. He was elected to the Colorado Auctioneers Association (CAA) Board of Directors in 2002, and along with chairing several committees, served over 8 years as treasurer and was president for 2 years. Presently Walt is treasurer of the Colorado Auctioneers Foundation which provides scholarships and training for Colorado auctioneers. He was the 2005 Colorado State Bid Calling Champion and inducted into the CAA Hall of Fame in 2013. He is past President of the Explosives Distributors Association, an organization of explosives distributors in the United States and Canada.

Walt is active at his church and enjoys fishing and traveling with his family and friends. Walt has served multiple terms on the Pinery Water Board. He is honored to serve on the board and understands his responsibility to the Pinery residents. He continues to work for cost-effective reliable water and sewer services.

Rod Bergholm

Rod Bergholm


Rod and his wife, Sandy have lived in the Pinery since 1980. They have four children, eleven grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.

Rod is a graduate Professional Engineer and spent most of his career in the telecommunications industry, ending there as Executive Director-Audit Services.  During those years, he had capacity provisioning and capital management responsibilities over fourteen states, acquiring significant insight in utilities management.  Rod recently retired from the Pinery Water District having spent six years as a Business Analyst where he focused on operational efficiency and cost effectiveness in water provisioning and usage along with water conservation planning.

Rod has firsthand experience with the challenges associated with providing a reliable supply of quality water at reasonable rates as expected by the users/owners of the Pinery Water District.  He completed numerous analyses of operating and maintenance practices, usage patterns and trends, future demands and supply options, and conservation alternatives as part of his duties at the District.  Rod understands the challenges presented by the precipitation patterns in the West and the Board’s role in providing guidance and oversight for assuring the water availability that the users need and expect.

Rod would be honored to serve on the Board of Directors and to help assure the continued reliability and service that we residents are accustomed to receiving.

Jim McGannon

Jim McGannon


Jim McGannon joined the Board in May 2018. He is a forestry/arborist consultant. His career includes working as City Arborist in Bismarck, N.D. and most of his career as City Forester in Colorado Springs. His profession includes work as a professional/certified forester and certified/arborist. He works with landowners, land trusts, commercial interests, homeowners, expert witness, and agencies. Jim and his wife, Maria, have lived in the Pinery since 2014 and in the Denver/Colorado Springs area most of their lives. Jim is also active on the Pinery HOA.

Jim has volunteered and serve(s) on many community and regional boards and committees. Prior to being on the Board, Jim served as Chair of the Pinery Water Conservation Task Force. Jim will continue to be a Board liaison to the Task Force. His interests in the outdoors and land stewardship has been a passion for him and a force that drives him to be part of volunteering in the communities that he works and lives in.  He has experience on Boards and task forces that include Municipal Utilities, conservation groups, homeowner associations, Boy Scouts of America (he is an Eagle Scout), Living History Associations, sportsmans groups, land trusts across Colorado, and many others.

Future water planning for this district is something Jim has a keen interest in.

Charles Hinson

Charles Hinson


Charles and his wife, Ava Lea, have lived off and on in Douglas County for over 20 years, including the last 7 years in The Pinery.  They have one child and one great grandchild.

Chuck recently retired from the oil & gas industry where he spent over 40 years in exploration and field development as a geophysicist. Chuck started his career as an exploration geophysicist and has held positions ranging from Senior, Staff, and Regional Geophysicist to Task Force Supervisor and Project Manager. During his career, Chuck developed and honed his skills in subsurface imaging to economically drill and complete oil and gas wells.  Chuck and his wife have lived in Indonesia, Poland, Canada, Texas, Oklahoma, Wyoming, and Colorado.  His international postings provided Chuck with insight into other countries’ culture.  For example, Chuck discovered that in Canada, French is not a foreign language! 

Chuck has taken an active interest in his local communities over the years. For example, Chuck served as an office on two Douglas County HOA Boards, and he has also served on the Pinery Water Conservation Task Force.  In addition, his experience in the budgeting and technical challenges involved in drilling oil & gas wells has provided Chuck with insight and understanding into water well drilling, which is periodically required to meet water demand in The Pinery. Chuck is a “people person” and recognizes the value of interpersonal skills in dealing with Pinery residents as well as local and state governmental agencies with whom the Pinery Board must interact.

 Chuck appreciates the Colorado lifestyle and never passes up the opportunity to visit the high country. As a longtime resident of Douglas County, he is intimately aware of the importance and challenges of providing a quality water supply to The Pinery. Lastly, Chuck also recognizes what a privilege it is to serve on the Board of Directors and the responsibility of such a position.

Josh Connors

Josh Connors


Josh Connors lives in The Pinery with his wife, daughter, and two dogs.

Josh spent four years in the United States Army attaining the rank of Sergeant, serving at Ft. Drum in New York, Camp Casey in South Korea, and Ft. Sill in Oklahoma. After his discharge he started his career helping companies assess, monitor and improve the security, resiliency, and privacy of their technology and industrial control systems, networks, and data. He is currently a Senior Manager, Information Technology Risk and Compliance at ServiceNow.

In his first role out of the Army he was involved in several assessments of industrial control systems and  networks, like those used to control water distribution and treatment systems, for one of the largest investor owned electric and natural gas transmission and distribution companies in the United States. At that time he was selected to attend the Control Systems Cybersecurity Advanced training course provided by the Industrial Control System Computer Emergency Response Team (ICS-CERT) within the Department of Homeland Security. This course provided extensive training on methods for attacking and defending industrial controls systems.

In his free time he enjoys spending as much time as possible with his family, particularly out in nature, camping and hiking.

Josh has enjoyed and been honored to be involved with the Pinery Water and Wastewater District, first as a member of the Water Efficiency Task Force and now as a member of the Board. He looks forward to continuing to contribute his expertise to the work of maintaining cost-effective, secure and resilient service to the members of the District.